Message from the Elephant’s Head LousewortIf a heart can hold this much grief It must be able to hold an equal amount of awe and wonder After all, a chalice can hold the same amount…Mar 6, 2022Mar 6, 2022
Scattered by theKnowing what you want feels great And focusing on one thing is surely underrated It’s nice to have an answer when someone asks you “What…Mar 5, 2022Mar 5, 2022
Anticipated GriefYou visited me this week, though I hadn’t extended an invitation You arrived in the evening, but I didn’t feel like entertaining So I…Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022
Some EndingsSome endings are abrupt Some endings are painful Some endings are welcome Some endings are actually just new beginnings, disguised in a…Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022
QuestionsWhy is the bark of the redwood so soft? How do spiders move their legs? What does the heron think of the seal? Why do we revile the…Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022
DuskFor generations now, the sky has been shouting at us, whistling and howling, waving its arms around Desperately trying to remind us, to…Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022
If Trees Could Speak to Us, Part 1Remember, though you are indeed curious ones, you are still creatures of the earth Don’t keep running around in circles, trying to be good…Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022
Answers for the birdsFrom the lowest branch on the alder tree, a curious Black-capped Chickadee, peered down at me, Inquiring: “What is does it feel like to be…Feb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022